Color Defects

It is the branch of science that deals with common diseases of the eye and nervous system. The ability to see an object is possible when the image is perceived first in the eye and then in the visual center in the back of the brain. When there is a problem in these visual pathways, symptoms may appear as sudden or progressive vision loss. In diseases involving eye movements, the main symptom is double vision and the problem may involve eye muscles, nerves or control centers in the brain. Patients with complaints such as temporary loss of vision or double vision, hallucinations, droopy eyelids, and differences in the size of the pupils are also of interest to neuro-ophthalmology. The history of the patient is very important for the correct diagnosis of head and eye pain. The success of the physician depends on the history taken from the patient without getting bored.

Color Defects
Urartu Göz Merkezi