Excimer Laser

Excimer Laser applications are eye disease treatment methods used to improve eye defects (such as myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia) that may occur in a certain period of human life.

Excimer Laser methods, which have been applied in the world for many years, have started to be used successfully in the treatment of refractive errors in the eye by competent health institutions in our country. As a result of this application, people can get rid of the glasses and lenses they have to use for life.

With the introduction of Excimer Laser technology, Laser Eye Surgery has experienced revolutionary developments and has become a treatment with safe, comfortable, predictable and effective results for people with refractive problems in their eyes.

Excimer Laser, which is also popularly referred to as Eye Lining, is a treatment method with a wide framework that can be applied using different techniques from person to person. However, Lasik and PRK can be shown among the most preferred methods.

During Excimer Laser Treatment, the cornea, which is the transparent layer in the front part of the human eye, is reshaped with laser beams of appropriate structure and the eye defect experienced by the person is eliminated.

In applications performed with Excimer Laser Treatment;

  • Myopia by flattening the cornea,
  • Hyperopia by steepening the corneal surface,
  • Astigmatism by removing asymmetries in the corneal structure,
  • is treated.

As Urartu Eye Center, we successfully treat all problems within the scope of Eye Diseases, including Excimer Laser Treatment, thanks to our team of Specialist Ophthalmologists, FDA approved devices and sterile procedure rooms.

During the operations performed by our specialist ophthalmologists, the necessary procedures are applied to the patient's cornea layer without damaging the surrounding tissues. Thanks to the cornea, which is shaped with precision in line with the discomfort experienced by the patient, the person gets rid of using glasses or lenses.

Even though Excimer Laser applications are known to be performed by the Excimer Laser Device, the experience of the ophthalmologist is very important in the process. All sensitive settings of the device are made by the Specialist Ophthalmologist, and the most suitable technique for the patient is determined and applied during the examination.

In addition, the state-of-the-art Excimer Laser Devices used in Urartu Eye Center keep the laser beams on target by monitoring the patient's eye movements during the operation. This feature makes the results of Eye Lining Surgery using Excimer Laser treatment methods with a high success rate.

Contact Us Now to eliminate the eye defects you experience with the help of our experienced and expert team, to be treated in sterile environments with the latest technology devices, to get rid of the problems you experience with a safe, comfortable and fast treatment process and to end the use of glasses or lenses...

What is Excimer Laser?

In order to eliminate the problem experienced by people with eye defects such as Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism, the treatment method in which the shape of the cornea layer in the front part of the eye is corrected with laser specifically according to the needs of the person is called Excimer Laser.

In Excimer Laser applications, also popularly known as Eye Lining, the patient's cornea is intervened correctly by using ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 193 nanometers under the control of a Specialist Ophthalmologist.

However, the term "Eye Lining" does not exactly cover the procedures performed in Excimer Laser applications. The Eye Scratching techniques used in the past years have been replaced by Excimer Laser applications with today's technology.

Who is Excimer Laser Applied to

Individuals who have refractive errors in their eyes and have to use glasses or lenses due to this problem reach our Eye Treatment Center to get rid of this problem completely with Excimer Laser applications.

Reaching our center for Excimer Laser Treatment and;

  • Over 18 years of age,
  • In the last year, his eye degree hasn't changed more than 0.75 degrees,
  • Myopic up to -10 degrees / Astigmatism up to 6 degrees / Hyperopia up to +6 degrees,
  • The corneal layer is of sufficient thickness and firm texture,
  • No other eye disease,
  • People can have Excimer Laser treatment if there is no obstacle as a result of the examinations performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologist.

After Excimer Laser treatment performed by Specialist Ophthalmologists at Urartu Eye Center, you can have a healthy and clear vision, and you can get rid of using apparatus such as glasses or lenses that restrict your freedom for life.

Necessary Examinations Before Excimer Laser

As a result of the examination and requested examinations performed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist under clinical conditions before Excimer Laser Surgery, the patient's suitability for treatment, the most accurate treatment technique and the patient's existing discomfort status are clearly determined.

Among the procedures performed before Excimer Laser;

  • The general health status of the person is evaluated.
  • The patient undergoes a detailed eye examination and the eye defect and eye number are clearly determined.
  • Corneal topography is performed to get detailed information about the shape of the cornea.
  • Corneal thickness is determined by pachymetry measurement.
  • can be shown.

Tüm bu veriler ışığında Uzman Göz Doktoru hasta için en uygun Excimer Lazer yönteminin hangisi olacağına hatta kişinin Excimer Lazer uygulamasına uygun olup olmadığına karar verir. Elde edilen bilgiler hasta ile paylaşılır.

How is Excimer Laser Performed?
Excimer Laser Operations are very practical, safe and comfortable surgeries using all the possibilities of modern technology. During the application, laser devices developed with advanced technology are used and necessary arrangements are made at the problematic points in the cornea.

Excimer Laser Surgery, which aims to eliminate the visual impairment experienced by making the refractive power of the cornea sufficient, is a safe, comfortable and successful treatment method if performed by Specialist Ophthalmologists under clinical conditions.

How Excimer Laser Surgery is performed in steps;

  • No anesthesia type, needle, narcosis is used before the procedure. Thanks to the drops instilled into the patient's eye, sufficient numbness is provided in the procedure area.
  • Excimer Laser Surgery is completed with an average of 1 minute intervention to your cornea by the Specialist Ophthalmologist by adjusting and controlling the Excimer Laser Device settings specifically for the problem you are experiencing.
  • During Excimer Laser Treatment, the patient is himself/herself and can even talk to his/her doctor and get information about the process.
  • Even if the patient moves his/her eye or moves himself/herself momentarily during the procedure, the Excimer Laser Device with a highly sensitive eye tracking system performs the process without error.
  • You can think of the application process, which takes 1 to 2 minutes for each eye on average, as 5 minutes, including the preparation phase. In other words, applications to 2 eyes are completed in as little as 10 minutes.
  • We can explain it as follows.

After Excimer Laser

Excimer Laser Surgery is a treatment method with a high success rate performed in a safe and fast process under the control of a specialist ophthalmologist. Although patients hesitate at first because it is expressed as surgery, they quickly return to their routine lives after a short operation.

The process that takes place after Excimer Laser Surgery;

  • Your eyes will not be closed when the application is completed.
  • Avoid scratching, rubbing and pressing your eyes after treatment.
  • You can return home immediately without having to wait in our Eye Treatment Center.
  • It will be useful to rest for 2 to 3 hours after the treatment.
  • If Excimer Laser Treatment was performed with Lasik or Femto Lasik method, you can continue your daily life the next day.
  • If Prk and Tprk methods were used during the operation, a stinging sensation may occur in your eyes for the first 2 to 3 days. Therefore, your return to your social life may be delayed for a few days.
  • Using protective sunglasses when going out in the first days will prevent you from experiencing light sensitivity.
  • You should use the drops prescribed by your specialist ophthalmologist in the specified periods and amounts

We can state as follows.

Excimer Laser Methods
Since the process of accessing the stroma layer required to correct the patient's cornea during Excimer Laser treatment is performed with different techniques, Excimer Laser Treatment has become possible with various methods.

During Excimer Laser Surgery, laser beams can be applied both under the valves formed in the cornea and only on the cornea without any incision in the cornea.

Among the most commonly used Excimer Laser Treatment methods today;

  • Lasik
  • Ilacik
  • Prk
  • No Touch Laser
  • Femtosecond

can be shown.

As a result of the examination performed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist, the most suitable Excimer Laser Treatment method is determined in consultation with the patient.

Excimer Laser Lasik Method 
Excimer Laser Lasik Method is known as the most preferred method in the treatment of refractive disorders that occur in people's eyes for different reasons.

In this method, which is referred to as Laser Assisted Corneal Shaving, the cornea is reshaped according to the patient's needs by using Excimer Laser under the flap created using a special incision tool on the corneal surface.

In order for this method, also referred to as Lasik Surgery, to be applied;

  • The patient must be over 18 years of age,
  • Adequate corneal thickness,
  • They do not have conditions such as cataracts or keratoconus,
  • The degrees of the patient's eye defects have not changed more than 0.25 degrees in the last 1 year,
  • The person's eye numbers are within the ideal range,

conditions are required.

Excimer Laser No Touch Method

Excimer Laser Method, referred to as No Touch Laser, is a treatment technique using special devices without any contact with the patient's eye. No Touch Laser is applied to patients whose eye structure is determined to be suitable as a result of a detailed examination by a specialist ophthalmologist.

Excimer Laser No Touch method especially;

Does not want contact with the eye during the operation,
Those with a thin cornea, i.e. cornea thickness below 500 microns,
With keratoconus disease that has stopped progressing,
is much more preferred in people.

In the No Touch Laser method, the corneal tissue is vaporized with Excimer Laser instead of being loosened and peeled with alcohol as in other techniques. Then, the process is completed by making the necessary interventions to the cornea to eliminate eye defects.


Recovery Process After Excimer Laser

In the first 4 to 5 hours after Excimer Laser, the patient may feel burning, watery eyes and blurred vision. This condition passes quickly with the regular use of medications and drops prescribed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist.

Especially some drops are products that are used at intervals of 1 to 2 hours and have ingredients that will accelerate the healing process. By paying attention to the use of these drops and paying attention to the doctor's other warnings, the person can resume his/her daily life after the doctor's control.

Who Excimer Laser is Not Applicable to
People are forced to wear glasses or lenses due to eye defects they experience. People who want to get rid of wearing glasses or lenses after a long period of use reach Eye Treatment Centers.

As Urartu Eye Center, after completing the examination of our patients who reach us with this intention, we inform them about whether they can have Excimer Laser Treatment.

Among the patients who have an obstacle to Excimer Laser;

  • Individuals under 18 years of age or over 60 years of age,
  • People with congenital corneal problems,
  • Patients whose spectacle degree continues to progress,
  • Individuals with cataract - uveitis - glaucoma or retinal disease,
  • People with uncontrolled systemic diseases,
  • Pregnant or lactating mothers,
  • Patients who do not have realistic expectations about treatment,
  • People whose eye number is too high for Excimer Laser application,

can be shown.

Blurred Vision After Excimer Laser

After Excimer Laser treatment, patients may experience blurred vision for an average of 1 week. This situation, which can be seen as part of the healing process, passes spontaneously within this process.

Our Specialist Ophthalmologists are in contact with you at any time regarding the blurred vision after Excimer Laser and closely follow the process. You will be told how to use the necessary drops for healing and your condition will be monitored. At the end of this period, the patient has a clear vision.


Things to Consider After Excimer Laser

Even though Excimer Laser is an operation performed using all the possibilities of modern technology, there are some issues that should be considered after the application for the success of the treatment and the health of the patient.

After Excimer Laser Treatment, it is very important that patients pay attention to all the situations communicated to them by the Specialist Ophthalmologist who performed the procedures. The Specialist Doctor provides the patient with many different information depending on the person and the method used during the treatment.

Points to be considered after Excimer Laser Surgery;

  • In most of the cases after treatment, doctor controls are performed in the first week, first month and third month. The patient should not disrupt these controls, and in case of a situation that is on his mind, he should contact his doctor and get information.
  • After the application, the drops prescribed by the doctor should be used at the specified frequency and amount without interruption.
  • Regular use of drops and medications prevents pain, infection, sensitivity or temporary dry eye that the patient may experience after Excimer Laser.
  • After the treatment, the patient should avoid rubbing and scratching the eyes as much as possible.
  • After the application, the patient should not wash his/her eyes for an average of 2 to 5 days.
  • At the end of this period, the patient can wash his/her face while keeping his/her eyes closed and can take a bath carefully and without getting shampoo in his/her eyes.
  • During the first month after the treatment, the patient should avoid activities such as pool, sea, sauna and Turkish bath that may cause infection.
  • Again, it is very important not to apply make-up before the first month is completed in order to prevent any risk of inflammation.
  • After Excimer Laser Treatment, the patient should not do sports with the risk of impact for the first 3 months.

We can state it as follows.

Is Excimer Laser Safe? 

Excimer Laser is an eye treatment method that has been applied to people with refractive disorders in their eyes for many years. Excimer Laser, a treatment with a high success rate, is applied to patients with myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism problems and deemed suitable for treatment.

Excimer Laser, also popularly known as Eyeglass Removal Surgery, is a safe, comfortable and effective treatment method if performed by a Specialist Ophthalmologist under clinical conditions. It does not carry any risk if it is performed by modern technology devices and Ophthalmologists specialized in their field.

Excimer Laser Prices

The most common question we hear from people who have to use glasses or lenses as a result of eye defects they experience for different reasons and who reach our Eye Treatment Center to get rid of this discomfort is how much Excimer Laser Prices are.

First of all, we invite the person to our center by saying that it would not be correct to specify a price without examining the person in the applications made in the field of health. As a result of the examination to be performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologist, how the treatment process will be and the price can be clearly stated to the patient.

Excimer Laser Prices are among the situations that caused change in 2023;

  • Genetic structure and age of the person,
  • The type and level of refractive error experienced by the patient,
  • Excimer Laser technique to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the ophthalmologist and the center that will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

If you are tired of using glasses or lenses, call us now to achieve the comfort and health you dream of with a safe, fast and successful treatment process...

Excimer Laser
Urartu Göz Merkezi