Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik Eye Surgery is an eye treatment method used by people who have to wear glasses or lenses due to different eye defects they experience. It can also be expressed as a treatment method in which laser beams are used to help people to have a clear vision without glasses.

Lasik is known as the most common, safe and comfortable technique among the Eye Surgeries performed using Excimer Laser. In this application, which is also popularly referred to as Laser Eye Treatment or Eye Lining, the transparent area in the front layer of the human eye, the cornea, is reshaped and reorganized.

Lasik Surgery can be stated as the most preferred Laser Eye Surgery technique in our country and all over the world. As a result of this operation, the beam coming into the eye of the person is refracted properly and thus a clear image is formed.

The focusing process required for healthy human vision is carried out by the cornea and lens. In people with eye defects, a blurred image occurs because the light cannot be refracted correctly. With Lasik Eye Surgery, this problem is eliminated with a safe, comfortable and fast treatment process.

In Lasik application, a flap-shaped incision is made from the corneal surface. This procedure, which was performed with micro blades in the past, is performed without blades and contact with the beam expressed as femto laser thanks to today's technology.

At this stage, the flap is lifted and the defects in the area underneath the flap are organised with laser beams and the cornea is made perfect. Afterwards, the process is completed with the recovery of the flap left back in its place. The person has a clear vision as the cornea is brought to a healthy structure.

As Urartu Eye Centre, we successfully treat all problems within the scope of Eye Diseases, including Lasik Eye Surgery, thanks to our team of Specialist Ophthalmologists, FDA approved devices and sterile procedure rooms.

During the operations performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologists, the necessary procedures are applied to the cornea layer of the patient without damaging the surrounding tissues. Thanks to the cornea, which is shaped with precision in line with the discomfort experienced by the patient, the person gets rid of using glasses or lenses.

Contact Us Now to eliminate the eye defects you experience with the help of our experienced and expert team, to be treated in sterile environments with the latest technology devices, to get rid of the problems you experience with a safe, comfortable and fast treatment process and to end the use of glasses or lenses...

What is Lasik?

In order to improve the eye defects experienced by people, a thin layer of the cornea is removed from the front of the cornea using a bladeless laser and the application in which the problem in the cornea is corrected with Excimer Laser is called Lasik technique.

Lasik Treatment is a method used for people with refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism to get rid of using glasses or lenses. After the application, there is a rapid improvement in the eyes of the person and in a large part of the cases, there is no return to the old number again.

Lasik, which is a comfortable and easy treatment where the patient is discharged on the same day, can be applied to two eyes at the same time. After Lasik Eye Surgery, people can return to their daily lives within 24 hours.

What is Lasik Eye Surgery?

Lasik Eye Surgery is one of the most preferred refractive surgery operations for the treatment of people with vision problems and eye defects. In this method, which is applied to treat patients who do not want to use glasses or lenses, the cornea is precisely arranged according to the type of discomfort experienced by the person.

Lasik Eye Surgery is used to improve the discomforts that people may be frequently exposed to in their lives, such as blurred vision, inability to see near or far clearly. During the application, the most suitable Lasik Laser type is preferred for the cornea structure of the person.

Urartu Eye Centre, with its expert staff in eye surgery and modern technology devices, successfully performs Lasik Eye Surgery with great care by determining the most suitable one for the patient from Lasik Laser, Intralase Lasik Laser, Fermo Laser or Wavefront Laser methods.

Why Lasik Eye Surgery?

In our country and in the world, the most preferred treatment method by people with eye defects is known as Lasik Surgery. This treatment, which is performed by specialist ophthalmologists using state-of-the-art laser devices under clinical conditions, is safe, comfortable and has a high success rate.

Contrary to popular belief, Lasik Eye Surgery is a very easy, short and painless treatment method. In this application, which takes an average of 10 to 15 minutes, the time the laser is applied to the eye is not even 30 seconds.

As a result of Lasik Surgery, there is no change in the anatomical structure of your eye. After the treatment, the person gets rid of using glasses or lenses and reaches a comfortable, comfortable and free life standard.

To whom can Lasik Eye Surgery be applied?

People who have eye defects such as Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism for different reasons can have Lasik Eye Surgery if they want and if it is deemed appropriate as a result of the examinations performed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist.

In detail the criteria sought for people who want to have Lasik Eye Surgery;

  • The person must be over 18 years of age, (The progression of eye discomfort in younger patients is examined and family permission is required)
  • The patient's glasses or lens number should not have changed more than 0.75 degrees in the last 1 year,
  • The corneal layer has a suitable structure and thickness for the operation,
  • The eye defect experienced is at appropriate values for treatment (Myopia up to -10 degrees / Astigmatism up to 6 degrees / Hyperopia up to +6 degrees)
  • Normal ocular surface map in the corneal topography,
  • The person is not an expectant mother or a nursing mother,
  • The patient does not have any other condition preventing the operation other than refractive errors,

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During the eye examination performed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist before Lasik Eye Surgery, it is determined whether the person meets all the criteria mentioned above. After this process, the treatment plan is determined and the necessary application is realized.

Before Lasik Eye Surgery

As Urartu Eye Center, our patients undergo a comprehensive eye examination by our Specialist Ophthalmologists before Lasik Surgery. As a result of the tests and examinations performed during the examination, the patient's compatibility with Lasik Eye Surgery is checked.

Among the examinations and conditions checked before Lasik Eye Surgery;

  • Eye Infection
  • Large Pupils
  • High Eye Pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Dry Eye

can be shown.


How is Lasik Eye Surgery Performed?

Lasik Eye Surgery is an easy, safe and painless treatment method that is successfully performed under the control of specialist doctors using modern technology devices.

During Lasik Eye Surgery, the patient is lying on his/her back in a special chair. The patient does not feel any pain or ache during the procedure thanks to the numbing drops instilled into the eyes before the procedure.

During Lasik Eye Surgery, the eyelids are adjusted to be kept open. A flap is opened with laser application on the front surface of the cornea at the top of the eye. The cornea is organized in a healthy structure according to the patient's needs through the gap formed by this flap folded back.

In this process, which takes place under the control of a specialist ophthalmologist, the corneal tissue is shaped with each laser beam pulse and the desired healthy structure is achieved. Upon completion of this process, the folded flap is placed in place. This application is performed without stitches and bandages.

During Lasik Laser application, the patient is asked to focus on a specific light point. In this way, it is ensured that the eye is kept stable during the cornea shaping process. Depending on the needs of the patient, this procedure can be applied to one or both eyes in the same session.

If you are tired of using glasses or lenses, if you want to have a clear vision after a successful and comfortable Lasik Eye Surgery to be performed at Urartu Eye Center, you can contact us using our communication channels...

After Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik Eye Surgery is a painless treatment method with a very high success rate and a comfortable healing process. Patients who pay attention to the issues specified by the Specialist Ophthalmologist after the application recover rapidly and start to see clearly without using glasses.

Among the conditions to be considered after Lasik Eye Surgery;

  • Mild watering, itching and burning sensation may occur in the patient's eyes. Even blurred vision is a common condition. This temporary condition improves in a very short time with the use of appropriate equipment and medication.
  • During the recovery period after Lasik Eye Surgery, the patient should not neglect the drops and medications given to him/her to use and should sleep wearing protective equipment at night.
  • After Lasik Treatment, care should be taken to go to the control on the days determined by the doctor and to stay in regular contact.
  • Heavy sports and exercise should be avoided for the first few weeks after the application.
  • Again, make-up should be avoided for the first 2 to 3 weeks after Lasik Eye Surgery.
  • In the first 1 to 2 months after the treatment, public areas such as pools, baths and saunas should not be used to prevent the risk of infection.

can be shown.

Blurred Vision After Lasik

It is quite natural to have blurred vision for the first few hours after Lasik Eye Surgery is completed. During this period, blurred vision is quickly eliminated thanks to drops containing painkillers and strengthening vitamins.

Blurred vision completely disappears within the first 1 to 2 days after Lasik Treatment. With the completion of the first week, even digital screens such as cell phones and computers can be seen clearly.

With the passage of 1 to 2 months after Lasik Eye Surgery, there is a complete recovery in the eye and clear and stable vision.

Lasik Eye Surgery Price

The most common question we receive from patients who have to use glasses or lenses as a result of eye defects they are exposed to for different reasons and who reach our Eye Treatment Center to get rid of this problem is how much Lasik Surgery Prices are.

First of all, we invite the person to our center by saying that it would not be correct to specify a price without examining the patient in the applications made in the field of health. As a result of the examination to be performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologist, how the treatment process will be and the price can be clearly stated to the patient.

Lasik Eye Surgery Prices are among the issues that cause differences in 2023;

  • Genetic structure and age of the patient,
  • The type and level of refractive error experienced by the person,
  • Corneal structure and thickness of the patient,
  • Lasik Laser technique to be applied to the person (such as Lasik, I Lasik, Femtosecond, Wavefront)
  • The experience of the ophthalmologist and the center that will perform the application,

can be shown.

If you are tired of wearing glasses or lenses, call us now to achieve the comfort and health you dream of with a safe, fast and successful treatment process...



Lasik Eye Surgery
Urartu Göz Merkezi