No Touch Laser

No Touch Laser is a Laser Eye Treatment method used to improve refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism that people may be exposed to at a certain period of their lives.

People have to use vision aids such as glasses or lenses as a result of visual impairments that may occur in their eyes. This situation seriously reduces the quality of life of the person and causes discomfort.

Today, people become happier in their working and social lives as a result of this situation, which is eliminated with a safe, comfortable and fast treatment process with the No Touch Laser application, which is the first method that comes to mind when it comes to Laser Eye Surgery.

No Touch Laser treatment gives very successful results in people who are determined to be suitable for this method in the clinical examination. After the treatment, it is observed that the visual function of the patients improves almost perfectly.

With the innovations brought by modern technology to the field of health, laser treatments have become the first application that comes to mind for people with eye defects. The fact that the laser beams do not directly contact the eye during the operation is one of the features that distinguishes the No Touch Laser application from other techniques.

However, the fact that the patient is treated in a very short time and heals quickly can be shown among other features that make the No Touch Laser method stand out. No Touch Laser is a safe, comfortable, easy and high success rate application if it is performed by a specialist ophthalmologist under clinical conditions.

No Touch Laser treatment is a highly effective application that can be shaped according to the eye defect experienced by the person and can respond to every need. As a result of this simple application that does not require any surgical procedure, every patient leaves with satisfaction by achieving what they want.

As Urartu Eye Center, we successfully treat all problems within the scope of Eye Diseases, including No Touch Laser application, thanks to our team of Specialist Ophthalmologists, FDA approved devices and sterile procedure rooms.

During the operations performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologists, the necessary procedures are applied to the patient's cornea layer without damaging the surrounding tissues. Thanks to the cornea, which is shaped with precision in line with the discomfort experienced by the patient, the person gets rid of using glasses or lenses.

Contact Us Now to eliminate the eye defects you experience with the help of our experienced and expert team, to be treated in sterile environments with the latest technology devices, to get rid of the problems you experience with a safe, comfortable and fast treatment process and to end the use of glasses or lenses...


What is No Touch Laser?

No Touch Laser can be explained as Laser Eye Treatment, which is planned individually and does not require any contact with the eye during the treatment of eye defects. It is an application that gives successful results in all refractive errors that people may be exposed to.

Today, the significant increase in the duration of computer, television and especially cell phone use has increased the rate of people experiencing visual impairment and has brought the age of occurrence to very early periods.

Individuals who are actively involved in working life and social life do not want to use glasses or lenses in terms of aesthetic and functional aspects, and desire to eliminate their eye defects with a safe and comfortable process.

No Touch Laser is an application that responds exactly to this problem. With this treatment, all eye refractive errors, regardless of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, are easily treated, helping people to move more freely in their daily lives or social activities.

Who can No Touch Laser be applied to?

No Touch Laser treatment is a comfortable and successful Excimer Laser treatment method that can be safely applied to all individuals with refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, regardless of whether they are men or women.

Before the No Touch Laser operation, the patient is examined in detail by the Specialist Ophthalmologist. In this process, if positive results are obtained from all examinations, the procedure is quickly applied to the patient.

Among the situations that are paid attention to whether the patients are suitable for No Touch Laser treatment;

  • The person is of legal age, i.e. over the age of 18, (The progression of eye discomfort in younger patients is examined and family permission is required.)
  • No change in eye number more than 0.75 degrees in the last 1 year,
  • Having sufficient corneal thickness and structure for the application,
  • The eye defect experienced is at appropriate values for treatment (Myopia up to -10 degrees / Astigmatism up to 6 degrees / Hyperopia up to +6 degrees)
  • The person does not have any other condition that prevents treatment other than visual defects,
  • The patient is not an expectant mother or a nursing mother during pregnancy,

can be shown.

However, in some cases, while other Laser Eye Surgery methods are not deemed appropriate for the patient, No Touch Laser treatment is deemed appropriate for the person. In this way, it is possible to treat patients who were rejected as unsuitable when the No Touch Laser technique was not used.

Among the cases that can be treated with No Touch Laser but are not considered suitable for different Laser Eye Surgery techniques;

  • People who have a detached retina or who are prone to detachment, (If the eye structure is deemed appropriate)
  • Individuals with very high Myopia and Hyperopia numbers,
  • Patients with a thin and steep cornea structure (people with corneas below 500 microns)
  • People who have had cataract surgery in the past,
  • Cases who do not want contact with their eyes during the procedure,
  • Individuals who are over-excited and suffer from panic attacks,
  • Patients with a high risk of dry eye,
  • People who have left numbers after laser eye surgery in the past,

can be specified.

As Urartu Eye Center, we have successfully treated many of our patients who received the answer that they are not suitable for Laser Eye Surgery from different clinics with our Specialist Ophthalmologists and state-of-the-art technology devices. For this reason, we recommend that you make an appointment by contacting us without wasting time and do not postpone getting freedom with No Touch Laser.

How No Touch Laser Works

No Touch Laser Operation is an application where the patient can achieve the result he/she dreams of with a safe and comfortable treatment process if it is performed by Specialist Ophthalmologists in an Eye Treatment Center with appropriate conditions.

How No Touch Laser Surgery is performed in stages;

  • As a result of all the examinations performed by the Specialist Ophthalmologist before the application, the general health status of the patient and the eye discomfort experienced by the patient are determined in detail. A personalized treatment plan is created.
  • No Touch Laser surgery is performed without the need for any local or general anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain or ache during the operation thanks to the painkiller drops instilled into the patient's eyes.
  • Before the application, the eye area is cleaned with anti septic lotion to prevent the possibility of infection during and after the procedure.
  • The patient's face is covered with a special transparent cover, leaving the mouth and nose open. It is ensured that no device touches the eye during the application.
  • The Specialist Ophthalmologist asks the patient to look at the green light. In this process, laser beams directly interfere with the eye. This process is completed in an average of 40 to 50 seconds.
  • No Touch Laser treatment is completed in approximately 4 to 5 minutes by performing this procedure in both eyes with a special adjustment depending on the patient's needs.

We can respond as follows.

No Touch Laser treatment is a safe and comfortable treatment method that is applied very quickly and the patient is discharged the same day after the procedure. The patient can continue his/her daily life after regular use of the drops determined after the application and wearing protective glasses for the first 3 days.

Recovery Process After No Touch Laser
No Touch Laser application offers patients a comfortable, safe and successful treatment process as well as a fast and easy recovery process. After the treatment, the patient goes home with both eyes open without any bandage to cover them.

For the first 3 days after No Touch Laser, the patient is protected from UV rays by using protective glasses. Patients who may feel a little burning, stinging and watering in their eyes for the first few days can overcome this process by using their medications and drops without feeling severe pain.

After the completion of the first 3 days, the patient returns to his/her daily life after the approval of the Ophthalmologist on the 4th day. The person whose vision improves day by day reaches a clear and healthy vision within 2 to 3 weeks.

The patient's eye number does not increase again after No Touch Laser treatment, where the desired result can be obtained within about 1 month. Individuals who pay attention to their body health and care continue their lives without having to wear glasses or lenses again.

After No Touch Laser

No Touch Laser Surgery is an application that gives successful results in great safety and comfort, but as for the success of every treatment, the patient should pay attention to the issues specified by the doctor after the application.

Among the situations to be considered after No Touch Laser;

  • After the application, the patient should use the prescribed medications and eye drops without interruption for the specified periods.
  • Again, the patient should not remove the protective glasses given to him/her during the specified period.
  • In the first week after the treatment, the patient should take care not to rub and scratch his/her eyes.
  • In the first week after the procedure, the eyes should not be touched with water, the patient should not wash his/her face or even take a shower until the protective glasses are removed.
  • For the first 1 week to 10 days after the treatment, the patient should not look at digital screens such as computer, phone and TV too much. Care should be taken to rest.
  • The person should not drive for the first 2 weeks after the application.
  • Heavy sports and exercise should be avoided before the first month is completed.
  • Again, in the first month after the application, the person should not go to areas with high probability of infection such as baths, saunas and pools.
  • For the first 2 to 3 months after treatment, people should continue to protect their eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses when they go out.

can be shown.

Following the process mentioned above in detail will help the person to get a perfect result. Paying attention to these issues after the No Touch Laser operation to be performed by competent hands in an experienced center will allow the person to remove glasses or lenses from use for the rest of his/her life.

Who No Touch Laser is Not Applicable to

No Touch Laser application is a modern technology Excimer Laser treatment that can be applied to a large number of people who have vision problems and want to have Laser Eye Surgery. However, there are some people for whom this application is not appropriate in some cases.

The answer to the question of who is not suitable for No Touch Laser treatment;

  • Individuals under 18 years of age and without parental consent,
  • People whose eye number continues to progress above 1 degree,
  • Expectant mothers during pregnancy or breastfeeding mothers,
  • People with extremely thin corneas,
  • Individuals with intermediate and advanced keratoconus,
  • People with retinal or corneal degeneration with visual impairment,
  • Patients with severe dry eye,
  • People with cataracts,

in the form of.

Blurred Vision After No Touch Laser
Blurred vision is experienced for a certain period of time after No Touch Laser operation. This situation disappears rapidly with the improvement experienced every passing day.

Blurred vision after No Touch Laser is experienced more frequently during the first 3 days. At the end of this period, improvement with the effect of drops also eliminates blurred vision. However, the person can see blurred text on screens such as phones and computers for the first 1 week. At the end of this period, this situation also passes and everything starts to be clearly selected.

No Touch Laser Price

People may experience visual impairment for different reasons in a certain part of their lives and may have to wear glasses or lenses. The most common question we receive from patients who reach our Eye Treatment Center to get rid of this problem is how much No Touch Laser Prices are.

It should be known that it is not correct and realistic to specify a price without examining the patient in health applications. As a result of the examination to be performed by our Specialist Ophthalmologist in our Eye Treatment Center, how the treatment process will be and the price can be clearly stated to the patient.

No Touch Laser Price Among the situations that caused changes in 2023;

  • Age and genetic characteristics of the person,
  • The type and degree of visual impairment suffered by the patient,
  • Thickness and structure of the cornea,
  • The experience of the ophthalmologist and the center that will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

If you are tired of using glasses or lenses, call us now to achieve the comfort and health you dream of with a safe, fast and successful treatment process...

No Touch Laser
Urartu Göz Merkezi