Urartu Göz Merkezi
Urartu Eye Center

Quality Policy

Our hospital continues to work in accordance with national and international quality standards.

  • To provide quality health services with modern technology required by contemporary medicine
  • To provide quality service in line with national and international patient safety targets
  • To contribute to studies to protect and improve public health
  • To ensure patient, patient relatives and employee satisfaction and to continuously increase training
  • Ensuring optimum financial performance
  • Not to compromise on the Quality Management System requirements, to continuously increase its effectiveness
  • Ensure continuous improvement


Our Duties as Quality Unit

  • To ensure the coordination of the work of the units within the framework of national and international standards
  • To evaluate the results of the analysis made by the department for departmental objectives
  • Managing self-assessments
  • To evaluate patient and employee survey results
  • Protecting the Rights and Responsibilities of patients and their relatives
  • To determine the committees within the framework of national and international standards and to maintain and follow up committee work.


Our Information Security Management System Policy

Our primary goal is to ensure the trust of the institutions, organizations and patients/patient relatives and to ensure the security of our information assets.  In this context, our relationships with the patients/patient relatives, official institutions and suppliers we cooperate with are very valuable. The continuity of the services we provide, the confidentiality of the information we hold, and the integrity of the information assets of customers or within ourselves are of high importance.



As the Main Principles of our Information Security Policy...

  • Ensuring the security of all information assets belonging to Koru Hospital itself, its patients / patient relatives, personnel, suppliers and solution partners
  • Identifying potential risks on Information Assets and establishing a risk management by using methods such as risk acceptance, risk avoidance, risk mitigation, risk control and risk transfer
  • To meet obligations arising from legal regulations, security clauses in contracts and business requirements and to prevent damages arising from improper use of information
  • Protect organizational information against all kinds of threats, internal or external, intentional or unintentional
  • Protection of information confidentiality against access by unauthorized persons who may attempt to compromise its integrity
  • Ensure business continuity and minimize potential damages
  • To strive for continuous improvement, to adapt to changing and evolving information assets and their evolving and changing storage, transmission and utilization environments
  • To ensure the continuity of the work carried out on Information Security and to continuously improve and continuously improve for the better
  • We are committed to making our policy available to all our employees and for public review.


Quality Organization Structure

Vertical and Horizontal Coordination and Integration Points:

The Quality Organization structure is specified in the Quality "Organization Chart" and the Quality Directorate is at the top level. The Quality Directorate, which is responsible for the functioning of quality in the field, is vertically connected to the General Manager, who is horizontally connected to the directorates in the hospital. The units vertically connected to the Quality Unit and horizontally connected to each other are as follows.


Quality Management System Committees:

  • Quality Council
  • Employee Opinion Evaluation Commission
  • Education Committee
  • Patient Opinion Evaluation Committee
  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee
  • Radiation Safety Committee
  • Facility Safety Committee


Our Teams Affiliated to the Quality Unit:

  • Code Blue Team
  • Code White Team
  • Code Pink Team
  • Internal Audit Team


Department Quality Officers:

Formed by employees at the level of responsibility representing each department.


Corporate Services:

  • Corporate Structure
  • Quality Management
  • Document Management
  • Risk Management
  • Security Reporting System (Unwanted Event Notification)
  • Emergency and Disaster Management
  • Education Management
  • Social Responsibility


Our Patient and Employee Oriented Services:

  • Patient Experience
  • Access to Service
  • End of Life Services
  • Healthy Working Life


Our Health Services:

  • Eye Health Unit
  • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Services
  • Excimer Laser


Support Services:

  • Facility Management
  • Hotel Management Services
  • Knowledge Management   
  • Material and Device Management
  • Medical Records and Archive Unit
  • Waste Management
  • Outsourcing


Indicator Management:

  • Segment Based Indicators
  • Clinic-based Indicators


Responsibilities and Relationships:

The responsibilities of each unit are determined by the management to which it is vertically connected and submitted to the opinion of the Quality Directorate. In line with the appropriate opinions of the hospital administrator, they are notified to the persons by assignment. Assignments can be revised and new assignments can be made according to the need.


Organization Functioning:

The committees in the quality organizational structure convene and evaluate the issues specified in their duties, powers and responsibilities on the specified dates in accordance with the "Quality Committees Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities Procedure" and take decisions.

Quality responsibilities come together at least once a quarter and share problems related to quality processes.

Urartu Göz Merkezi
Urartu Göz Merkezi
Urartu Göz Merkezi
Urartu Göz Merkezi